Module ipaddress


Ip6Address* = distinct array[16, uint8]
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Ip6Interface* = Interface[Ip6Interface]
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Ip4Address* = distinct array[4, uint8]
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Ip4Interface* = Interface[Ip4Interface]
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IpKind* = enum
  ip4, ip6
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IpAddress* = object
  case kind*: IpKind
  of ip4:
      ip4*: Ip4Address

  of ip6:
      ip6*: Ip6Address

Represents IPv4 or IPv6 address.   Source Edit
IpInterface* = Interface[IpAddress]
Represents IP address with a mask.   Source Edit


proc toBinaryString*(s: Ip4Address | Ip6Address): string
Converts IP address to its binary representation.   Source Edit
proc toBinaryString*(s: IpAddress): string
Converts IP address to its binary representation.   Source Edit
proc ipAddress*(a: int32): Ip4Address
Creates IPv4 address from 32-bit integer.   Source Edit
proc ipAddress*(a: uint32): Ip4Address
Creates IPv4 address from 32-bit integer.   Source Edit
proc ipAddress*(a: array[16, char]): Ip6Address
Creates IPv6 address from its binary representation.   Source Edit
proc ipAddress*(a: array[16, byte]): Ip6Address
Creates IPv6 address from its binary representation.   Source Edit
proc ipAddress*(a: array[4, char]): Ip4Address
Creates IPv4 address from its binary representation.   Source Edit
proc ipAddress*(a: array[4, byte]): Ip4Address
Creates IPv4 address from its binary representation.   Source Edit
proc ipFromBinaryString*(s: string): IpAddress
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proc `[]`*(a: Ip4Address; index: int): uint8
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proc `[]`*(a: Ip6Address; index: int): uint8
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proc `[]`*(a: IpAddress; k: int): uint8
Returns k-th byte of the IP address.   Source Edit
proc `$`*(a: Ip4Address): string
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proc `$`*(a: Ip6Address): string
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proc `$`*(a: IpAddress): string
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proc `$`*[T](a: Interface[T]): string
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proc addressBitLength*(kind: IpKind): int
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proc addressBitLength*(a: IpAddress): int
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proc addressBitLength*(a: Ip4Address): int
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proc addressBitLength*(a: Ip6Address): int
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proc parseAddress4*(a: string): Ip4Address
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proc parseAddress6*(s: string): Ip6Address
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proc parseAddress*(a: string): IpAddress
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proc getBit*(a: Ip4Address | Ip6Address | IpAddress; i: int): bool
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proc asMask*(s: Ip4Address | Ip6Address | IpAddress): int
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proc parseInterface*(a: string): IpInterface
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proc makeMaskAddress4*(mask: int): Ip4Address
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proc `==`*(a: Ip4Address; b: Ip4Address): bool
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proc `==`*(a: Ip6Address; b: Ip6Address): bool
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proc `==`*(a: IpAddress; b: IpAddress): bool
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proc contains*[T: Ip4Address | Ip6Address](s: Interface[T]; ip: T): bool
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proc contains*(s: IpInterface; i: IpAddress): bool
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proc networkAddress*(i: IpInterface): IpAddress
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proc `+`*(i: IpAddress; k: int64): IpAddress
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proc nthAddress*(i: IpInterface; n: int64): IpAddress
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proc hash*(x: IpAddress): int
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converter from4*(a: Ip4Address): IpAddress
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converter from6*(a: Ip6Address): IpAddress
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