A Future represents the result of an asynchronous computation. Completer is used to create and complete Futures - it can be thought as of an other side of a Future.
Future*[T] = object {.
requiresinit.} case isImmediate: bool of true: value: T of false: completer: Completer[T]- Source Edit
Completer*[T] = ref object of RootObj when debugFutures: stackTrace: string consumed: bool case isFinished: bool of true: result: Result[T] of false: callback: FutureCallback[T] callbackList: CallbackList[T]
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Bottom* = object
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proc `$`*[T](c: Future[T]): string
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proc `$`*[T](c: Completer[T]): string
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proc getFuture*[T](c: Completer[T]): Future[T]
- Retrieves a Future managed by the Completer. Source Edit
proc internalGetCompleter*[T](c: Future[T]): Completer[T]
- Retrieves a Completer behind this Future. Returns nil is the future is immediate. Only for low-level use. Source Edit
proc newCompleter*[T](): Completer[T]
- Creates a new completer. Source Edit
proc immediateFuture*[T](value: T): Future[T] {.
deprecated.}- Source Edit
proc immediateFuture*(): Future[void] {.
deprecated.}- Source Edit
proc immediateError*[T](value: string): Future[T] {.
deprecated.}- Source Edit
proc immediateError*[T](value: ref Exception): Future[T] {.
deprecated.}- Source Edit
proc isCompleted*(self: Future): bool
- Checks if a Future is completed. Source Edit
proc isSuccess*(self: Future): bool
- Checks if a Future is completed and doesn't contain an error. Source Edit
proc getResult*[T](self: Future[T]): Result[T]
- Returns the result represented by a completed Future. Source Edit
proc get*[T](self: Future[T]): T
- Returns the value represented by a completed Future. If the Future contains an error, raise it as an exception. Source Edit
proc completeResult*[T](self: Completer[T]; x: Result[T])
- Complete a Future managed by the Completer with result x. Source Edit
proc complete*[T](self: Completer[T]; x: T)
- Complete a Future managed by the Completer with value x. Source Edit
proc complete*(self: Completer[void])
- Complete a void Future managed by the Completer. Source Edit
proc completeError*[T](self: Completer[T]; x: ref Exception)
- Complete a Future managed by the Completer with error x. Source Edit
proc onSuccessOrError*[T](f: Future[T]; onSuccess: (proc (t: T)); onError: (proc (t: ref Exception)))
- Call onSuccess or onError when Future is completed. If Future is already completed, one of these functions is called immediately. Source Edit
proc onSuccessOrError*(f: Future[void]; onSuccess: (proc ()); onError: (proc (t: ref Exception)))
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proc onSuccessOrError*(f: Future[void]; function: (proc (t: Result[void])))
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proc onSuccessOrError*[T](f: Future[T]; function: (proc (t: Result[T])))
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proc onError*(f: Future[Bottom]; onError: (proc (t: ref Exception)))
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proc ignoreResult*[T](f: Future[T]): Future[Bottom]
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proc ignoreResultValue*[T](f: Future[T]): Future[void]
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proc ignoreError*[Exc](f: Future[void]; kind: typedesc[Exc]): Future[void]
- Ignore an error in Future f of kind kind and transform it into successful completion. Source Edit
proc completeFrom*[T](c: Completer[T]; f: Future[T])
- When Future f completes, complete the Future managed by c with the same result. Source Edit
proc complete*[T](c: Completer[T]; f: Future[T])
- alias for completeFrom Source Edit
proc then*[T](f: Future[void]; function: (proc (): T)): auto
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proc then*[T](f: Future[T]; function: (proc (t: T))): auto
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proc then*(f: Future[void]; function: (proc ())): auto
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proc then*[T, R](f: Future[T]; function: (proc (t: T): R)): auto
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proc ignore*(f: Future[void])
- Discard the future result. Source Edit
proc ignore*[T](f: Future[T])
- Discard the future result. Source Edit
proc completeError*(self: Completer; x: string)
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proc waitForever*(): Future[void]
- Returns a future that never completes. Source Edit
proc waitForever*[T](t: typedesc[T]): Future[T]
- Returns a future that never completes. Source Edit
proc `or`*(a: Future[void]; b: Future[void]): Future[void]
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proc runLoop*[T](f: Future[T]): T
- Run the event loop until Future f completes, return the value. If the Future completes with an error, raise it as an exception. Consider using runMain instead of this. Source Edit
proc waitFor*[T](f: Future[T]): T
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proc runMain*(f: Future[void])
- Run the event loop until Future f completes, return the value. If the Future completes with an error, print pretty stack trace and quit. Source Edit