Module iface

This module allow creation of interface types. Every interface type has a set of methods that can be called on it. Every object can be converted at runtime to the interface type, provided that there are procs that implement all interface methods.


# Define interface type Duck
type Duck = distinct Interface

interfaceMethods Duck:
  quack(number: int): string

# Make implementation of Duck interface
# Implementation objects have to inherit from RootRef.
type AmericanDuck = ref object of RootObj
  name: string

proc quack(d: AmericanDuck, number: int): string =
  return "duck " & & " quacks " & $number & " times"

let myDuck: AmericanDuck = AmericanDuck(name: name)
let myDuckAsInterface: Duck = myDuck.asDuck # or myDuck.asInterface[Duck]



Interface* = object
  vtable*: ptr VTableBase
  obj*: RootRef
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VTableBase* = object {.
.} typeName*: string
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SomeInterface* = concept x
Typeclass that matches every interface.   Source Edit


proc pprintInterface*[T](self: T): string
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proc isNil*(a: SomeInterface): bool
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proc implements*(ty: typedesc; superty: typedesc)
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proc getImpl*(iface: SomeInterface): RootRef
Returns implementation object of this interface.   Source Edit


macro interfaceMethods*(nameExpr: untyped; body: untyped): untyped
Declare method list of an interface type. (The type should be declared before in a type section as ExampleType = distinct Interface).   Source Edit